Claudia Müller

Claudia Müller, Prof. Dr., assistant professor in Information Systems, in particular ‘IT for the Aging Society’ at the University of Siegen and professor at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland, at the Careum Health Research Department, Zurich. Following her professional training as a registered nurse and professional practice in acute care and outpatient geriatric care and her master’s degree in cultural anthropology, history and theoretical medicine at the University of Bonn, her path led to applied computer science. Her interest in combining cultural anthropology and computer science was developed as a student assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) in St. Augustin in a project on software engineering for small and medium-sized enterprises. From 2006 she worked as a research assistant in Information Systems at the University of Siegen and received her doctorate there in 2013 on the topic of comparative design case studies in the field of participative IT design with vulnerable user groups. She is co-founder of the Siegen Praxlabs concept (

She successively built up her research portfolio with a socio-informatics perspective on IT design in the “health & aging” domain, leading research projects, i.a. Cognitive Village (human-centred machine learning & “smart village applications”, BMBF, 2015-2018), SFB 1187 “Media of Cooperation”, subprojects “User Autonomy in the Ageing Society” (DFG, 2016-2019) and “Cooperation in Caring Communities (DFG, 2020-2023), ACCESS (Digital Sovereignty & Appropriation Support for Older Users, JPI MYBL, EU 2018-2021), CareComLabs (Caring Communities, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2019-2022), Active City Innovation (IT-supported quality of life and joy of movement in cities, BMBF, 2019-2021), BeBeRobot (evaluation criteria for the use of robotic systems in care, BMBF, 2019-2021) and IDESkmu (accessible document management systems in SMEs, BMAS, 2019-2021).

She has different mandates at the interfaces of care/gerontology and applied IT design. She is the deputy chairperson of the expert commission of the Eighth Ageing Report “Ageing & Digitization” of the Federal Government of Germany, deputy chairperson of the HCI expert group at the German Informatics Society, co-spokesperson of the expert committee “Education and Digitization in Old Age” of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, and co-spokesperson of the expert committee “Age and Technology” of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG).