Volker Wulf is a professor in Information Systems and the director of the Media Research Institute at theUniversity of Siegen. At Fraunhofer FIT, he heads the research group User-centred Software-Engineering (USE). He is also a founding member of the International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI), Bonn.
After studying computer science and business administration at the RWTH Aachen and the University of Paris VI., he got a Ph.D. at the University of Dortmund and a habilitation degree at the University of Hamburg, Germany. In 2001, he worked as a research fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA. Wulf spends right now a sabbatical as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and lateron at Stanford University, Palo Alto.
His research interests lie primarily in the area of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Knowledge Management, Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, Entertainment Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Participatory Design, and Organizational Computing.
He published more than 170 papers. He edited 10 books among which „Expertise Sharing: Beyond Knowledge Management“ and „Social Capital and Information Technology“ both with MIT Press Cambridge MA and „End User Development“ with Springer Dordrecht are probably best known. As a conference co-chair he hosted the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2001) in Bonn and Communities & Technologies (C&T 2003) in Amsterdam.