2023 program

2023 Symposium of Socio-Informatics

Venue: University of Siegen

Obergraben 25
57072 Siegen
Google-Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/wBzwdVNJ4pTYTPtZ8


Please book yourself a room at

Holiday Inn Express Siegen
Koblenzer Straße 114
57072 Siegen
Phone: +4927133810

Use the reference “University of Siegen, Socio-Informatics” for a discount. The discount is only valid for bookings until March 31, 2023.


For inquiries regarding the registration: kathrin.hoffmann@uni-siegen.de
For inquiries regarding the program: sarah.rueller@uni-siegen.de & konstantin.aal@uni-siegen.de

About the Symposium

The 2023 Symposium of Socio-Informatics invites researchers and practitioners to join discussions on  current directions of research around sociotechnical systems, particularly in the contexts of civic engagement, health, regional economy, and sustainability.

Some of the topics we would like to discuss with all the participants revolve around the following questions: What issues do we see ourselves confronted with? What role and responsibility do we as researchers have? How do we define and measure our impact? What ethical considerations and principles should guide the design and deployment of sociotechnical systems?

The history of the Socio-Informatics Symposium can be found here. This anthology was composed on the occasion of a conference on “25 Years of Socio-Informatics – Where do we come from? Where are we? Where to go from here?“. Its main purpose is to present a selection milestones of 25 years of research by authors from the International Institute for Socio-Informatics (IISI) and the University of Siegen.


Wednesday, April 19
18:00 Welcome Reception
University of Siegen
US F 104
Kohlbettstr. 15
57072 Siegen
Thursday, April 20
10:00 Welcome
Volker Wulf & Claudia Müller
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Session I “Transition of Industrialized Regions”

Introduction of Research Projects: MDZ, ATLAS, EDIH

Interdisciplinary Contributions on “Twin Transition” in Rural Regions

Muhamed Kudic, University of Siegen

Marc Gerbracht, University of Siegen

Max Krüger, University of Siegen


We invite submissions to our Special Issue titled

“Twin Transition: Co-evolution between green and digital transition processes”.

Have a look at the call for papers for further information.


The ‘twin transition’ has become a key policy issue in Europe, particularly in Germany. It refers to the dual process of moving towards a more sustainable economy, with an increased use of renewable energy sources, as well as the rapid dissemination and adoption of digital technologies in all of the economy’s sectors. Both transition processes involve major changes in the way we produce and consume goods and services, and require significant investments in infrastructure, technology, and human capital. We therefore need to acknowledge that they are interconnected and interdependent in multiple ways, and need to be addressed in a coordinated manner. The workshop will focus on the co-evolutionary nature of the twin transition.
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 Session II “Smart New Worlds with Autonomous Systems – How can we bring everyone along in the demographic change?”

Presentations from:

Coffee and cake instead of VR glasses – enabling dialog about digitality with older people (Holger Klapperich)

“Soziale Roboter im Praxiseinsatz des Pflegeheims/ Social robotics in care home practice ” (Sabine Jockisch, Felix Carros)

Creating design spaces with older adults and care workers with practice-based methods – project examples based on auto-ethnography and citizen science (Richard Paluch, Dennis Kirschsieper)

Discussion: Research “in the wild” vs./and/or “in the lab” (Shadan Sadeghian)

Claudia Müller, University of SiegenRainer Wieching, University of Siegen

Felix Carros, University of Siegen

Richard Paluch, University of Siegen

Dennis Kirschsieper, University of Siegen

Holger Klapperich, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

Sabine Jockisch, GFO Attendorn, Leiterin Sozialer Dienst

Shadan Sadeghian, University of Siegen

Participatory design, Living Labs and inventive methods – is our HCI and CSCW methods repertoire sufficient for the cooperative design of autonomous socio-technical systems or do we need new methods and approaches? How can we develop new technologies in such a way that they empower vulnerable people in the ageing and health context and that they do not become even more vulnerable through technology?
15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Presentation from our Guests/Networking Opportunities

19:00 Conference Dinner
Restaurant: SWAGAT
Address: Sandstraße 38, 57072 Siegen
Friday, April 2021
10:00 Session III “Community & Activism”


Sarah Rüller, University of Siegen

Konstantin Aal, University of Siegen

Peter Tolmie, University of Siegen

Houda Elmimouni, Indiana University Bloomington

This session focuses on civic engagement and its potential to address issues of oppression, injustice, and discrimination. The presentations and round table discussion explore the role of civic engagement in promoting social change, and the strategies and tactics that can be employed to create a more just and equitable society. It highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing systemic barriers to civic engagement, including structural inequality and institutionalized discrimination. Ultimately, the round table will seek to generate new insights and perspectives on the role of civic engagement in promoting social justice, will discuss the overall research and researchers responsibility and will explore strategies for building more engaged and inclusive communities.
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Presentation from our Guests/Networking Opportunities
13:30 Lunch Break
15:00 Session IV “Sustainable Human-Food-Practices:
Communities and ICT”

Scientific Keynote

Panel Discussion

Philip Engelbutzeder, University of Siegen

Leonie Jahn, University of Siegen

The interaction of people and food is fundamental for the building of civilizations, especially food sharing initiates contact and consolidates social relationships. Between individual necessity and meaningful solidarity
lies the tension field into which Human-Food-Interaction (HFI) enters when scientific questions are asked about the role of technology in interactions with people and food. In regards to food waste and prosumption practices HFI and Sustainable HCI overlap. In terms of sustainability there is the paradox that we waste 1/3 of all produced food, while 1 out of 9 human beings does not have enough food to eat. A ‘deep change’ in food systems towards sustainability especially means addressing “values, consumption and production practices, as well as politics allowing for deliberation and grassroots mobilization” [Weber et al. 2020]. Session IV will focus on the local food (resource) sharing community, its practices and projects in Siegen.

in cooperation with